Tackling Your TBR

As I mentioned in my recent Top Ten Tuesday, as a book lover you probably have a TBR, and it is probably insane.  Well, today I am going to give you some tips for tackling your TBR.  I’m going to provide you with some tips that I use to help your organize your TBR and hopefully make it a little more manageable.  

Make a TBR

You are probably thinking, I already have a TBR, and maybe you do, but perhaps not all your books are on it.  Or maybe you’re like me and have like seven lists all over the place.  So first and foremost make the list.  You can do it where ever you like, spreadsheet, book journal.  Personally, I like Goodreads for this but use whatever is best for you.  Just make sure all the  books you want to read are on the list.  Also it is good if it something that you can easily make changes to, or at least add on to.   

Good Reads TBR



Remove Books You Aren’t Going to Read

This is hard and it takes some real honestly on your part.  You can do this when you are compiling your TBR or after you have everything in one place.  But you need to go through the list and take off the books you aren’t going to read.  It is okay to admit that you aren’t going to read a book.  Maybe you lost interest, maybe the reviews were terrible, whatever the reason take it off.  


You don’t have to go through the whole list and assign a number to every book, but maybe pick the top 20 or 50 books and move them to the top.  This is where Goodreads is great because you can move books up and down your list and also make sub-lists.  Personally, I have a lot of ARCS to read so I have a 2020 ARC shelf on my Goodreads, as well as adding them to my Want to Read shelf.  I also know that I have to read these within a certain time frame, so a lot of months these are my priorities.    You can prioritize anyway you want, but if you pick a few books you want to read first it will help.

Fun Ways to get through Your TBR

There are lots of things you can so to get some books off your TBR.  Reading Challenges are great for this.  I am currently doing the Magical Readathon and it is very fun and I am so impressed with it!  I also made a 20 in 2020 list, where I tried to prioritize books that had been on my TBR for far too long.  Buddy reads are also a great way to knock some books off your TBR.  


Magical Readathon TBR

What TBR tips do you have?