tiny imperfections

Tiny Imperfections by Alli Frank and Asha Youmans



3 Star Read


Josie is director of admissions at San Francisco’s most sought after private school. While she deals with crazy parents, her daughter applying to college.

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Thank you to Sourcebooks for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.  


I have mixed feelings on Tiny Imperfections,  I liked it, but I also felt like it was a little long and slow.  Josie was great, she and her family and friends were great.  This is certainly a book with great characters.   

There were a lot of stories here.  I almost felt like perhaps there was a little too much going on.  While I enjoyed all of the stories, it just seemed like a lot, and maybe this book was trying to do a little too much.  I really loved the relationship between Josie, Aunt Viv, and Etta.  You could tell there was so much love there and they all just wanted what was best for each other.  The happenings at the school seemed to be more for comic relief than anything else. There were a couple of, for lack of a better word, gimmicks in this book I could have done without, but overall I liked it. 

Purchase Links

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  1. thebrowneyedbookworm

    I have/had such high expectations of this book, set in SF, diverse, great cover, interesting plot, but the more reviews are coming in the more I wonder if I want to keep it on my tbr. ?

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