It took me a while to learn that sometimes no matter how much, or how hard you love someone, or something, you have to let them go. You can’t save a sinking ship.
Sometimes, you have someone else you have to be strong for, who needs you more.
You make a choice.
A devastating one.
And you hope, maybe one day, they’ll come back to you.
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Not only did The Resurrection of Wildflowers make me cry, but it had a trope I strongly dislike, and it was still a 5 star read for me.
The Resurrection of Wildflowers takes place six years after the end of the Confidence of Wildflowers. In those six years, a lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same. I will admit that I liked Salem a lot less in the book than in the first one. She’s been using Caleb for the past six years, and the surprise baby trope is so annoying. Even though I loved this book, I really could have done without that element of the story.
Thayer, however, is outstanding! I liked him in the first book, but this book was his time to shine. He’s finally at a place where he can unapologetically go after what he wants. Also, I loved that we got his POV in this book. I felt like that would have added so much more to the first book, and it definitely added a lot to this book.
The Resurrection of Wildflowers was a great conclusion to Thayer and Salem’s story, and while I’m sad to let them go, I’m delighted with how it ended.
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