Months after the tragic accident that killed her boyfriend, Natalie’s parents decide to have a sail-a-bration for her seventeenth birthday. Natalie, her parents and her three best friends board the ship where Natalie meets a guy the very first night.
When Natalie goes to meet him later, he is nowhere to be found and something he said earlier makes her think that maybe be jumped. While Natalie tries to figure out what happened to him she uncovers more than she bargained for.
This book was truly trying to be different and I respect that. But it tried a little too hard…
So first the characters, I didn’t like them. I spent quite a bit of time wondering how these girls were even friends and it only got worse as the story progressed! I did like the idea of the story taking place on a cruise especially because I actually read this while on a cruise myself. While cruise ships these days are huge, there was only so many places the missing boy could be assuming he was on the ship.
There were some nods to Hitchcock and not just Natalie’s obsession with him, but this did not feel Hitcockian to me. I really wanted more out of the mystery. I like that it was trying to do something a little different, but maybe it was just too different to me.
One thing I will say is this was unpredictable, there were so many things I didn’t see coming, and that I enjoyed. I also really enjoyed the ending. It had the sort of make you think elements that I love from a good mystery/suspense.
A decent summer mystery, good to read by the beach, or on a cruise ship.