Title: Flock
Series Number: 1


I grew up sick.⁣

⁣Let me clarify.⁣

⁣I grew up believing that real love stories include a martyr or demand great sacrifice to be worthy.⁣

⁣Because of that, I believed it, because I made myself believe it, and I bred the most masochistic of romantic hearts, which resulted in my illness.⁣

⁣When I lived this story, my own twisted fairy tale, it was unbeknownst to me at the time because I was young and naïve. I gave into temptation and fed the beating beast, which grew thirstier with every slash, every strike, every blow.⁣

⁣Triple Falls wasn’t at all what it seemed, nor were the men that swept me under their wing. But in order to keep them, I had to be in on their secrets.⁣

⁣Secrets that cost us everything to keep.⁣

⁣That’s the novelty of fiction versus reality. You can’t re-live your own love story, because by the time you’ve realized you’re living it, it’s over. At least that was the case for me and the men I trusted my foolish heart to.⁣

⁣Looking back, I’m convinced I willed my story into existence due to my illness.⁣


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I didn’t know a ton about Flock before I read it, and I think that’s the way to go into it. It was full of emotion, adventure, and a ton of steam.

I’ve seen it said that the book starts a little slow, and I agree.  It takes time for the characters to be introduced before the action can begin. However, I didn’t mind waiting because I found the characters and the mystery around them to be very interesting.  And once the action got going, it got going…

Celcia was a good character.  I definitely saw her 19 years, but I also appreciated that she seemed to learn from her mistakes, and by the end of the book, she was stronger and, in my opinion, a more likable character.  Sean was 

The audiobook was good.  I did feel like most of the men in the book sounded similar, but I really can’t complain about Joe Arden’s voice at all.  I enjoyed that this was done in duet narration because I don’t think it would have been the same with just one female narrator.  I did think perhaps Maxine Mitchell sounded a bit too old for the character, but I enjoyed her performance, and it wasn’t anything I couldn’t get past. 


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