How to Start a Book Bullet Journal

At the beginning of this year, I decided in an attempt to simplify my life and get my bookstagram and blog more organized I would start a bullet journal, or BuJo for short, dedicated to those two things.  I am a planner by nature and I've done the bullet journal thing before so I knew that it would fit me.  But I also know what I like and what works for me. What…

Top Ten Tuesday – Character Traits I Love

Well, I am jumping on the Top Ten Tuesday bandwagon!  I love a good list and well this week's topic really drew me in.  Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and has since moved to That Artsy Reader Girl beginning in January of 2018. This week's topic is Character Traits I Love!  I happen to have some very strong feelings about this topic so I think this will…

Why You Should Try Audible Escape

  Let me start out by saying that I am an Amazon affiliate.  That being said, I would never recommend something I didn't truly believe in.  I use and pay for my own Audible Escape account, and I love it. Who is Audible Escape Good For?If you like romance and enjoy audiobooks than this is for you.  Personally, I love audiobooks, and you know I love romance.  In fact, the majority of my Wednesday…

September Reading WrapUp

August was not a great reading month for me, I read a fair amount of books, but none of them really stood out as being great reads.  September was different.  This month I read so many books and so many great books!  I haven't posted reviews for all of them quite yet, but I will be.  Below are my top three reads of September.   Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore  …

Books to add to your 2020 TBR

I know that 2019 isn't over yet, but that doesn't mean I haven't already started looking ahead to 2020 book releases. For those of you who frequent my blog, you have probably seen my 2019 New Releases.  Now, this certainly isn't every new release, but it does include ones I'm personally excited about, as well as some books I've been lucky enough to receive ARCS of, that I think you would love.   …

Books with Curses and Superstitions

I could not let a Friday the 13th go by without talking about some of my favorite book that involves superstitions, curses, and general creepiness.   This book isn't just a pretty cover, though the cover is gorgeous and you should see the naked book (swoon).  I loved the story of the Swan sisters and the curse the brought.  If you haven't read this one I highly recommend you check it out.  You…

Who’s Your Daddy?

This post is going to have spoilers, so I want to make sure that you are well aware of that.  I tried to pick older books so that the spoilers are at a minimum. So this isn't Wednesday, it isn't that sort of Daddy.  This is more the "Luke, I am your father" sort of thing.  You know when the villain ends up being the father of the main character, sending the main…

August Wrapup / September TBR

August Wrapup: I read quite a few books this month, below are my top 3 reads of the month. Mind Games - 4 Darkdawn by Jay KristoffDarkdawn - 4 Wicked Saints - 4     September TBR: Now on to the TBR.  I don't like to give myself a TBR, because I feel like I don't really read what I want, but I would like to read these two books this month: Hello…

If you like this, read that…

So I've thought about doing a post like this for a while and I think it will probably become a monthly thing, so I hope you like it. If you like                             Read this                          Two stories about revenge, fun side characters, full of snark and lots of killing.  These…

My Top Thriller Picks

For me, summer means I read one of two genres, Romance or Mysteries/Thrillers.  I don't what it is, perhaps I want something a little lighter, or something a little more grown-up. Whatever the reason, I love these two genres. If you're like me and love to read thrillers this time of year, or any time of year for that matter, I wanted to share with you a few of my personal favorites.   Abbie…