Bookstagram Posting Schedule

Bookstagram Posting Schedule

Last month I talked about setting up my Book Bujo for the year.  Today I want to tell you how I organize my Bookstagram Posting. One of the most challenging things for me when I first started Bookstagram, was figuring out what to post.  Then I discovered photo challenges, and boy did that help.  But soon I was having trouble keeping track of all the challenges I was doing, so I created my…

TTT: Predicted 5 Star Reads

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Predicted 5 Star Reads.  This could easily be a 2020 books I'm looking forward to post, but I already have my 2020 book releases page for that.  Not to say that there won't be any 2020 anticipated releases, it just won't be all of that.  There are also quite of few on here that could go either way depending on where the story goes, but I'm choosing…

7 February Releases to Add to your TBR

2020 is such a great year in books, and if you haven't checked out my 2020 book releases page yet, you should.  I have curated a list of some great 2020 books!  For this post, I decided to just focus on February, and choose seven books that have caught my interest the most.  I have not personally read all of these books.  In fact, I haven't read most of these books, but for…

TTT: My Favorite Foreign Editions

Perhaps it is because I can't get them easily, but I love Foreign Editions.  US covers are also wonderful and I would say more often than not they are my favorites, but sometimes foreign editions are just better.  Below are some of my favorite foreign editions.   Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and has since moved to That Artsy Reader Girl beginning in January…

8 Amazing Audiobook Narrators

It is no secret that I love audiobooks! If you haven't read my post gushing about audible escape you should.  Though I will endeavor to keep this post romance free.   I have a long commute and sometimes I even listen to them while I'm working. One of the most important things about finding a good audiobook is the narrator.  I wanted to share some of my favorite narrators as well as some recommendations…

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Most Recent Additions to My Bookshelf

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is 10 Most Recent Additions to my Bookshelf.  I am trying not to add to many books to my bookshelf so I haven't added many books, but as the holidays weren't that long ago and people always get me books I have added a few books recently.   Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and has since moved to That…

Bookstagram Captions tips to Increase Engagement

As promised on my New Years' update I am going to start sharing some Bookstagram and Blog tips.  Let me be clear upfront I am not an expert, and I am only sharing what worked for me personally, and perhaps a few friends I have asked as well. I'm not selling anything or trying to get you to sign up for a class either, I am just sharing what worked for me.  Below…

Most Anticipated 2020 Releases

So I have a lot more than 10 anticipated releases for the first half of 2020, and you can find them all on my 2020 releases page.  However, in the spirit of list-making, which I love to do.  Here are my top ten (in no particular order) most anticipated releases for the first half of 2020. This post contains affiliate links. You can read more on my disclosures page. Top Ten Tuesday was…

20 Books I Plan to Read in 2020

One of my Reading Resolutions was to get control of my TBR, so I recently went through all the books I had on my Goodreads TBR and removed the ones I probably wasn't going to read.  Then I decided to make pick 20 books I plan to read in 2020.  Now I will certainly read more than 20 books this year, but these books are ones that I am committing myself to read. …

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Discoveries I Made in 2019

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Bookish Discoveries I Made in 2019.  I don't know why this topic was so hard for me to figure out what to write about, but I would say the genre I really discovered in 2019 was the Romantic Comedy, so here are my top 10 Romantic Comedy reads from 2019. I have linked the book cover to my review of each as well in case you want…