Spring TBR

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is my Spring TBR.  If you are looking for books to add t your TBR, I recommend checking out my 2020 Book Releases page.  It is updated through July and I plan to update it through the end of the year by the month-end. But enough self-promotion, there are quite a few Spring releases I am looking forward to.  For purposes of this post, Spring will be the…

Authors with Good Social Media

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Authors with Good Social Media.  I will be honest I don't follow as many authors as I probably should. I am also not a huge twitter user, and given that is likely were authors really shine, for obvious reasons, I am most certainly missing out.  I've also included authors that may not be as well known but their bookstagrams are amazing so... All that being said, here…

5 Tips for not Getting Overwhelmed

Bookstagramming and Blogging can be overwhelming and discouraging.  Unfortunately, I can’t help too much with the discouraging part, but I think I may be able to help with the overwhelming part. In today’s Organization 101 I’m going to give you some tips on how you can keep from getting overwhelmed in your blogging and bookstagramming and all that goes into it.  We do these things because we enjoy books and the community so…

Books with One Word Titles

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Books with One Word Titles.  I have to admit there aren't that many books with one-word titles.  I am going to take this opportunity to share some book recommendations.  All of these will have one word titles, but they will also be some of my personal favorites.  Many of these do not get much attention either.  Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish…

March Releases to Add to your TBR

March 2020 has some great releases.  Some that I have been waiting for a while to read. Below is my list of March Releases to add to your TBR.    Most of these books I have not read yet, but I plan to very soon. If you want to see more you can check out my list of  2020 book releases for the whole year to see  This post contains affiliate links. You…

Characters I’d Follow On Social Media

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Book Characters I'd follow on social media.    This is such a fun prompt.  It was fun to think about what fictional characters would have a good social media presence.  I know that some of my picks will be on a lot of other lists, but I also hope I have a few original picks as well.   Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the…

Using the Right Hashtags

Bookstagram is hard.  It's super fun don't get me wrong but it is also very frustrating.   Last month I talked about how to use captions to increase engagement.   Today I'm going to share some hashtag tips.    I certainly don't have any magical answers, nor do I have any clue how the algorithm works.  These suggestions are just ones that have worked for me.   Why Hashtags are Important The reason we use hashtags…

TTT – The Last Ten Books That Gave Me a Book Hangover

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is The Last Ten Books That Gave Me a Book Hangover.  What is a book hangover: A book hangover is condition in which attachment to a book or series that has ended causes the reader traumatic emotional distress. If you haven't had one then consider yourself lucky.  They are rough and for me at least they generally lead to reading slumps.  Luckily I don't get them often.  So here is the list…

My Favorite Steamy Romance Authors

Happy Valentines Day!  In honor of valentines day and my love of my romance, I decided to highlight some of my favorite steamy romance authors.  Along with the authors I will highlight some of my favorite books.  The books referenced here are for adults and contain mature content.   Lauren Blakely  Lauren Blakely is one of the most prolific romance authors around.  Not all of her books are steamy, Lucky Suit for example is…

TTT: Love Triangles that Aren’t Annoying

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie, so I decided to highlight a trope I don't love, love triangles.  Why would I post about something I don't like?  Well, the truth is this trope isn't always terrible.   In fact, I am highlighting ten books with love triangles that aren't annoying.  While a large chunk of these are young adult reads, not all of them are.  And if you have books with decent…