Books Worth Re-Reading

I am a chronic re-reader, I love rereading books.  Many people say that they have too many new books on their TBR to go back to old ones and I get that and if that’s how you feel then that’s okay.  Personally, I tend to re-read books for one of two reasons, I loved it the first time and and to read it again (a lot of times to see if I still love it) or its a series and I am trying to refresh my memory.  Most often when I re-read, I listen to the audiobook.  Not all of the time, but it is a nice way to re-read.  

The books on this list will be books that I’ve re-read or plan to re-read because I loved them.  So if you haven’t read any of these books, please do yourself a favor and check them out.

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The Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas

This is one that I plan to re-read early next year.  This is a favorite series of mine and I recommend it to people constantly.  The second book in the series was the most romantic non-romance book I’ve ever read, which makes sense as Sherry Thomas is a romance writer.  The whole series is great, it has a truly interesting plot and wonderful characters.  

The Elemental Series by Sherry Thomas



The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

This book has been one of my favorites for a while now.  It is a retelling of Shahrzad’s Arabian Nights.  I that this wasn’t a typical fairy tale retelling and I loved the characters even more.  

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Do you ever read a book that just sticks with you? This is that book for me.  Sometimes it will just pop into my head.  I recommend this book quite a bit because it is great for everyone.  This also prompted me to read more by Taylor Jenkins Reid and I have not been disappointed yet.  

The Jackaby Series by Willaim Ritter

Jackaby is probably my favorite literary detective (other than Veronica Mars, but I’m not sure she counts).  He’s quirky and sarcastic and can see through the glamours.  I feel like there is probably so much I missed during my first read, that I’d love to revisit this series. 

Vicious by V.E. Schwab

I think Vicous is my favorite Schwab book.  This one falls into the category of books I have already re-read.  That is what happens when a sequel comes out years after the first books.  When I re-read this one I was a little nervous that I had built it up in my mind, I think I actually liked it better the second time around.  

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

No one should be surprised this book made the list.  I’ve re-read it probably 4 times now.  Mostly I have done the audiobook.  It is a great audiobook, with a wonderful narrator.  This book never fails to make me smile or get me out of a slump.  This is another one that I constantly recommend.  

The Archived Series by Victoria Schwab

Yes, another Schwab series.  The Archived was the first Schwab book I read, so it has a special place in my heart.  It is a lesser-known work by her, but if you enjoy the morally grey characters she is so wonderful at writing I recommend you check it out.  I enjoy Vicious more, but this is a great story, especially for younger readers.  It also has my all-time number one book boyfriend so…


The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

This is an obvious one right?  Let me tell you the audiobooks read by Jim Dale are fantastic, so if you haven’t listened to them and are itching for a re-read check those out.  I do an HP re-read about once every 3-4 years.  Each time I get more annoyed and Harry and more in love with Lupin, Neville, and Sirius.  

1 Comment

  1. I don’t do a lot of rereading, but knowing that these books are recommended for a reread, means that I might have to put them on my list for a first read (all except Harry Potter, I will reread them with my grandson).

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