
Finale by Stephanie Garber

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Series: Book 3 in the Caraval Series

Other Books in the Series:  Caraval, Legendary



Legend is about to be crowned king.  But the fates have been released from the cards and are wreaking havoc on the city.  Even though Caraval is over there are still many secrets left to uncover.  

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The ending of a series is always hard.  Especially when you love a series. I don’t know why I didn’t read this book as soon as it came out, I had intended to, but well you know how it goes.  

What attracted me to this series was how grey so many of the characters were.  This was especially present in Legendary and this book. Not that Scarlett and Julian aren’t grey, but Legend, Tella and Jacks are about as Grey and you can get.  Jacks especially was one of my favorites. Without being too spoilery I did miss Dante, but I won’t complain about that too much.  

I enjoyed the story in this one and think that the ending was very satisfying. This book and Legendary seemed more connected, and while all three had similar elements it almost I felt as though Caraval was a prequel to the real story that starts in Legendary and ends in Finale.  

I don’t always enjoy endings, I find it hard to say goodbye to characters, but as endings go I think this was one of the better ones.  I enjoyed that this was told from Scarlett and Tella’s views, though I will be biased towards Tella because I love her. This was not a perfect book, but it was a fitting ending to a wonderful series.  I will miss these characters and can’t wait to see what Stephanie Garber does next! 

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