After the devastating events at Zodiac Academy, we have to deal with this darker world we’re faced with.
Lionel seeks to hurt us, the Nymphs seek to hurt the entire Fae race, and between all of it, we just have to try and survive each day as it comes.
I’m afraid of everything falling apart, but it looks like it already has.Goodreads
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Oh my goodness, finally! It took us five books, but in Zodiac Academy: Cursed Fates, the bullying finally stops.
Be ready because this book is full of angst for both sisters! This one is also probably the steamiest of the books so far. Darcy remains my favorite character in the series, not just because she is paired with my favorite man, but because she continues to have the best head on her shoulders and be the most steadfast of anyone, including the adults. Tory, on the other, pissed me off, and quite honestly, so mainly did everyone else. The guys are the guys, and they continue to be idiots for the most part, but I am happy to report that they are getting better.
The thing about this series is they keep adding POV characters, and while I do enjoy getting different POVs, I also am frustrated with a lot of them, as they don’t always move the story forward. There are so many characters in this story, and I like them, but most of them are side characters at the end of the day, and I don’t care as much about what happens to them. The guys are growing on me, but I’ve disliked most of them for so long. I have to say I don’t care much what happens to them, and the book should focus on Tory and Darcy instead.
The story does progress, and a lot of things we were waiting to see what happens, happen. Some are good, and some are not so good. We start to see Lionel’s game plan, and I like everyone coming together to team up against him. I’m also enjoying learning more about all of their various skills, especially what phoenixes can do!
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