Dead Drop
Title: Dead Drop
Series Number: 2


dead drop


a method of espionage tradecraft used to pass items or information between two individuals using a secret location.

All I’ve ever known is the Guild. They clothed me, fed me, raised me. They trained me. And in return I became their perfect weapon, their loyal soldier, their deadly asset. For as long as I can remember, the Guild has been my life. But now, it’s about to become my death.

Not everyone is cut out to be a mercenary. I’ve watched countless colleagues fail in their missions and pay the ultimate price. I’ve watched peers lose their minds with the weight of the work we do, and pay with their lives to keep our secrets.

I never thought I would become one of them.

No one quits the Guild. But I sure as hell won’t stick around to be killed by some coward in the shadows, pulling strings to see me fail.

How do I run from the deadliest of hunters?

How will I hide, when they have eyes everywhere?

By making the enemy of my enemy, my friend.

The Guild was my whole life. My purpose. My mentor.

Now I’ll do anything to escape them. To escape him.

Even if it hurts.

Especially if it hurts.


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Dead Drop is the second book in The Guild series. It focused a lot more on character development which I appreciated because I found the character connection a little lacking in the first book.

I did enjoy the characters, but it was really Leon’s time to shine in this book. He is a true sociopath, and I loved every minute of it. Seriously there were some laugh-out-loud funny parts in this book with Leon just being crazy. Danny continues to be her badass self, and I appreciated how true to herself she remained through these two books! Kai mostly got on my nerves, but I think the third book will bring out his best.

The plot takes a bit of a back seat to the characters in this book. I was okay with that. I needed these characters to connect. Their interactions were my favorite part of the book. Not to say there was no plot. It just wasn’t in the forefront like it was in the first book. There are certainly the twists and turns you expect from a Tate James book. We learn some new information, and there is a lot of setup for the grand finale. I can’t wait to read Kill Order.

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Dead Drop

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